The Appreciation Index by Reward Gateway | Edenred

Our 2025 Program Year Presenting Partner, Reward Gateway, has a focus on building cultures of appreciation for themselves and their clients. As part of this focus, their new report Appreciation Index Report: Making the invisible visible to strengthen culture and drive performance goes live today. They have shared with us some of the key findings.

The top three outcomes of people feeling appreciated?
They work harder, are more engaged and are more satisfied with their jobs.

Not all groups are equally likely to feel appreciated in the US workforce.
Demographically, women and gender non-conforming/non-binary employees are less likely to feel appreciated than men. Additionally, industries like hospitality, education, and healthcare show lower levels of appreciation. Entry-level employees, those in larger organizations, and those with less control over how they work are also at risk for feeling less appreciated. While elevating appreciation efforts is recommended across the whole organization, it may be helpful for organizations to consider if they have any groups that are more at risk due to their demographic make-up or the focus of their work.

Finally, what can you do to drive appreciation (and thus increased engagement and productivity)?
The Reward Gateway report shares these top five drivers that were most associated with appreciated employees:

1. I am recognized by managers
2. My hard work is rewarded
3. I feel I belong here
4. My manager supports me
5. My organization praises me

While recognition is clearly a focus, the role of managers and the role of belonging is highlighted. Do your managers have what they need to support employees? Do they know about the benefits available to their teams and have they been trained to help employees directly or elevate their concerns? Are employees made to feel welcome and an essential part of the team?

For more specific information on any of these topics, visit You can also download the full report.

Alexandra Powell (she/her)

Alex is a highly experienced employee engagement consultant, trainer and speaker at Reward Gateway. For over 20 years she has helped HR and business leaders implement strategies that drive true culture change. Her knowledge comes from coaching and training thousands of managers from a wide range of industries across the globe. Alex focuses on providing organizations with proven practices that drive results for varied leadership styles and the multiple generations in the modern workforce.


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